Holiday Inn Hotel, Breinigsville, PA

Hotels nationwide spend millions of dollars covering up unpleasant odors, trouble-shooting and balancing ventilation systems.  Installing eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR) is the solution!

Holiday Inn I 78 Lehigh Valley hotel located at 7736 Adrienne Dr., Breinigsville, PA is yet another hotel to install eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators (CARs) in every guest room. The goal was to provide automatically balanced and regulated airflow  in each guest room at the recommended rate of 50 CFM, ensure healthy indoor air quality for guests, control stack effect, and realize energy savings in the process.

About eFlow-CAR

eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR) is a low-cost solution for balancing ventilation systems, eliminating the need for on-site balancing and ongoing maintenance. The Constant Airflow Regulator’s control of airflow is essential to optimize energy consumption while providing good air quality. eFlow-CARs are  UL 2043 Classified (R38307) devices that automatically adjust to environmental changes in stack pressure and accurately regulate airflow. Constant Airflow Regulators are self-regulating and adjustable flow-regulators used in commercial and residential buildings. The desired airflow is fixed by a screwdriver. It is automatically calibrated to varying pressures without the need for electricity. Constant Airflow Regulators save energy by precisely controlling airflow into or out of a space. This is accomplished regardless of static pressure while providing good air quality.


  • UL 2043 Classified
  • Composed of fire resistant UL 94 ABS plastic
  • Diameters offered: 3”, 4″, 5”, 6”, 8″, 10″
  • Operating Pressure Range: 0.08 to 2.4 in w.g. (20-600Pa)
  • Airflow settings: 15-765 CFM
  • Temperature Limits: -22° to 140°F (-30° to 60°C)
  • Suitable for both supply and exhaust applications
  • No external power supply needed
  • Field Adjustable CFM set point
  • Capable of maintaining constant airflow within +- 5% for nominal airflow throughout the target operating pressure range of 0.08 to 2.4 in.
  • Standard for Energy Efficient Compliance


Visit eflowshop.net for product information and pricing or email [email protected]











Supprier to American Aldes assemblies: ccar-ii, car-iia, ccar-ii-lp, car-ii-hp, car-fea-ii, car-fsa-ii, cer-s-ii, cer-r-ii, cer-lp-sii, cer-lp-r-ii, cer-s-iir, cer-lp-s-iir, cer-fea-ii, cer-fea-iir, cer-lp-fea-ii, cer-lp-fea-iir, csr-s-ii, csr-r-ii, csr-lp-s-ii, csr-lp-r-ii, csr-s-iir, csr-lp-s-iir, csr-fsa-ii, csr-fsa-iir, csr-lp-fsa-ii, csr-lp-fsa-iir, cerb-ws-ii, cerb-wb-ii, cerb-cs-ii, cerb-cfs-ii, cerb-cfb-ii, csrb-ws-ii, csrb-wb-ii, csrb-cs-ii, csrb-cfs-ii, csrb-cfb-ii, Constant Exhaust Registers, Constant Supply Registers, Constant Exhaust Register Box, Constant Supply Register Box, zone register terminals, zrt, zrt-s, zrt-fr, zrt-frs, zrt-w, zrt-ws, zrt-w-fr, zrt-w-frs, zrt-il, zrt-pdil, zrt-pdil-hp, zrt-3pdil, zrt-3pdil-hp, zrt-sdil, zrt-sdil-1-hp

Aldes, American Aldes, car ii, car iia, car ii lp, car ii hp, car fea ii, car fsa ii, cer s ii, cer r ii, cer lp sii, cer lp r ii, cer s iir, cer lp s iir, cer fea ii, cer fea iir, cer lp fea ii, cer lp fea iir, csr s ii, csr r ii, csr lp s ii, csr lp r ii, csr s iir, csr lp s iir, csr fsa ii, csr fsa iir, csr lp fsa ii, csr lp fsa iir, cerb ws ii, cerb wb ii, cerb cs ii, cerb cfs ii, cerb cfb ii, csrb ws ii, csrb wb ii, csrb cs ii, csrb cfs ii, csrb cfb ii, zrt s, zrt fr, zrt frs, zrt w, zrt ws, zrt w fr, zrt w frs, zrt il, zrt pdil, zrt pdil hp, zrt 3pdil, zrt 3pdil hp, zrt sdil, zrt sdil 1 hp

United enertech precision flow system crb-10-s, crb 10 s, crb-10-e, crb 10 e, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, crb-10-s-cd, crb 10 s cd, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, united enertech precision flow model cr, precision flow model cr-lp, precision flow model cr-hp, young regulator cvr constant volume regulator ,model cvrf5, model cvr8, cvp plus enh

eFlow CAR can be used as equivalent to aldes CAR3, CAR3-s, CER3-S, CER3-R, CER3-S-F, CSR3-S, CSR3-R, CSR3-S-F, CEB3-WS, CEB3-WB, CEB3-CS, CEB3-CS-F, CSB3-WS, CSB3-WB, CSB3-CS, CSB3-CS-F

Arlo Hotel at 351 W 38th St, NYC

Arlo Hotel located at 351 W 38th St, NYC will feature eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators. eFlow-CARs set to 50 CFM were installed in every guest room to automatically balance airflow, promote high indoor air quality and energy savings. This 20 story hotel designed by Marvel Architects will feature 353 guest rooms. The grand opening is planned for 2021. 

About eFlow-CAR

eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR) is a low-cost solution for balancing ventilation systems, eliminating the need for on-site balancing and ongoing maintenance. The Constant Airflow Regulator’s control of airflow is essential to optimize energy consumption while providing good air quality. eFlow-CARs are  UL 2043 Classified (R38307) devices that automatically adjust to environmental changes in stack pressure and accurately regulate airflow. Constant Airflow Regulators are self-regulating and adjustable flow-regulators used in commercial and residential buildings. The desired airflow is fixed by a screwdriver. It is automatically calibrated to varying pressures without the need for electricity. Constant Airflow Regulators save energy by precisely controlling airflow into or out of a space. This is accomplished regardless of static pressure while providing good air quality.


  • UL 2043 Classified
  • Composed of fire resistant UL 94 ABS plastic
  • Diameters offered: 3”, 4″, 5”, 6”, 8″, 10″
  • Operating Pressure Range: 0.08 to 2.4 in w.g. (20-600Pa)
  • Airflow settings: 15-765 CFM
  • Temperature Limits: -22° to 140°F (-30° to 60°C)
  • Suitable for both supply and exhaust applications
  • No external power supply needed
  • Field Adjustable CFM set point
  • Capable of maintaining constant airflow within +- 5% for nominal airflow throughout the target operating pressure range of 0.08 to 2.4 in.
  • Standard for Energy Efficient Compliance


Visit eflowshop.net for product information and pricing or email [email protected]











Supprier to American Aldes assemblies: ccar-ii, car-iia, ccar-ii-lp, car-ii-hp, car-fea-ii, car-fsa-ii, cer-s-ii, cer-r-ii, cer-lp-sii, cer-lp-r-ii, cer-s-iir, cer-lp-s-iir, cer-fea-ii, cer-fea-iir, cer-lp-fea-ii, cer-lp-fea-iir, csr-s-ii, csr-r-ii, csr-lp-s-ii, csr-lp-r-ii, csr-s-iir, csr-lp-s-iir, csr-fsa-ii, csr-fsa-iir, csr-lp-fsa-ii, csr-lp-fsa-iir, cerb-ws-ii, cerb-wb-ii, cerb-cs-ii, cerb-cfs-ii, cerb-cfb-ii, csrb-ws-ii, csrb-wb-ii, csrb-cs-ii, csrb-cfs-ii, csrb-cfb-ii, Constant Exhaust Registers, Constant Supply Registers, Constant Exhaust Register Box, Constant Supply Register Box, zone register terminals, zrt, zrt-s, zrt-fr, zrt-frs, zrt-w, zrt-ws, zrt-w-fr, zrt-w-frs, zrt-il, zrt-pdil, zrt-pdil-hp, zrt-3pdil, zrt-3pdil-hp, zrt-sdil, zrt-sdil-1-hp

Aldes, American Aldes, car ii, car iia, car ii lp, car ii hp, car fea ii, car fsa ii, cer s ii, cer r ii, cer lp sii, cer lp r ii, cer s iir, cer lp s iir, cer fea ii, cer fea iir, cer lp fea ii, cer lp fea iir, csr s ii, csr r ii, csr lp s ii, csr lp r ii, csr s iir, csr lp s iir, csr fsa ii, csr fsa iir, csr lp fsa ii, csr lp fsa iir, cerb ws ii, cerb wb ii, cerb cs ii, cerb cfs ii, cerb cfb ii, csrb ws ii, csrb wb ii, csrb cs ii, csrb cfs ii, csrb cfb ii, zrt s, zrt fr, zrt frs, zrt w, zrt ws, zrt w fr, zrt w frs, zrt il, zrt pdil, zrt pdil hp, zrt 3pdil, zrt 3pdil hp, zrt sdil, zrt sdil 1 hp

United enertech precision flow system crb-10-s, crb 10 s, crb-10-e, crb 10 e, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, crb-10-s-cd, crb 10 s cd, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, united enertech precision flow model cr, precision flow model cr-lp, precision flow model cr-hp, young regulator cvr constant volume regulator ,model cvrf5, model cvr8, cvp plus enh

eFlow CAR can be used as equivalent to aldes CAR3, CAR3-s, CER3-S, CER3-R, CER3-S-F, CSR3-S, CSR3-R, CSR3-S-F, CEB3-WS, CEB3-WB, CEB3-CS, CEB3-CS-F, CSB3-WS, CSB3-WB, CSB3-CS, CSB3-CS-F

eFlow-MAX High Capacity Constant Airflow Regulator Testing

eFlow-MAX Testing 

Independent testing of eFlow-MAX High Capacity Constant Airflow Regulator was conducted by Weickert Industries, Inc at the request of Hunter Roberts Construction Group, for project : Sven at Queens Plaza Park.

Testing took place at the Queens Park Plaza Tower on September, 25, 2019. A system was built for testing purposes by Delta Sheet Metal Corp, an affiliate of PJ Mechanical Corp.

Four eFlow-MAX regulators  set to specific CFM setting were put to the test over the entire pressure range from 0.2 to 4.0  w.g. (50-1000Pa)


A report issued by Weickert industries, Inc, dated September 27, 2019 illustrates findings of the tests as follows:

eFlow-MAX 4”, set to 45 CFM, over the entire pressure range of 0.25 to 4.0 in w.g. performed at an average of 46 CFM

eFlow-MAX 4”, set to 60 CFM, over the entire pressure range of 0.25 to 4.0 in w.g. performed at an average of 58.9 CFM

eFlow-MAX 4”, set to 50 CFM, over the entire pressure range of 0.25 to 4.0 in w.g. performed at an average of 54.6 CFM

eFlow-MAX 3”, set to 25 CFM, over the entire pressure range of 0.25 to 4.0 in w.g. performed at an average of 27.4 CFM

About eFlow-MAX 

eFlow-MAX is a field adjustable High Capacity Constant Airflow Regulator. It is designed to operate within Pressure Range: 0.2 to 4.0 in w.g. (50-1000Pa), automatically and precisely balance airflow into or out of a space without the need for electricity. Its design saves a significant amount of energy and provides High Indoor Air Quality. This round damper provides pressure-independent maximum constant airflow in round duct systems without the use of electricity, sensors or controls. As pressure increases, the blade moves to keep airflow stable over a wide pressure range. eFlow-MAX has an external mechanism that can be used to adjust airflow manually, and with ease, using an allen wrench (2mm). eFlow-MAX can be easily installed inside standard ductwork. Mounting may be horizontal or vertical. eFlow-MAX features laser-welded, heavy galvanized steel body, plastic airflow control and an airtight seal to ensure no-leak fit.

About Sven

Sven is a new 755-foot tall residential tower located at 27-29 Queens Plaza North and 29-37 41st Avenue in Long Island City. This 67-story tower is owned and has been developed by the Durst Organization. It was designed by Handel Architects, with Selldorf Architects in charge of the project’s interior, lobby, and amenities. The engineering firm JB&B and  The Fulcrum Group provided mechanical engineering services. HRCG-Hunter Roberts construction group carried out the construction of the project and Delta sheet metal and PJ mechanical were the mechanical contractors for the project.

Sven will feature 958 residential units, 287 of which will be dedicated to affordable housing. The tower will include an outdoor pool, fitness center, resident’s library, co-working space, children’s playroom, and a demonstration kitchen. The Sven is situated adjacent to the historic Long Island City Clock Tower in Queens. The Sven will be the second-tallest skyscraper in the neighborhood . Completion of the project  is expected in 2021.

eFlow-MAX is equal to Aldes MR MAX

The Robeson, 407 Lenox Avenue, Bronx, NY

eFlow Constant Airflow Regulators were installed at the Robeson building in the Upper Manhattan’s Harlem neighborhood, located at 407 Lenox Avenue, between West 130th Street and West 131st Street. 

This 10–story mixed use new construction building features 79 mixed-income units, 7,500 square feet of ground floor commercial space, and 2,500 square feet of community facility space. 

About eFlow-CAR

eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR) is a low-cost solution for balancing ventilation systems, eliminating the need for on-site balancing and ongoing maintenance. The Constant Airflow Regulator’s control of airflow is essential to optimize energy consumption while providing good air quality. eFlow-CARs are  UL 2043 Classified (R38307) devices that automatically adjust to environmental changes in stack pressure and accurately regulate airflow. Constant Airflow Regulators are self-regulating and adjustable flow-regulators used in commercial and residential buildings. The desired airflow is fixed by a screwdriver. It is automatically calibrated to varying pressures without the need for electricity. Constant Airflow Regulators save energy by precisely controlling airflow into or out of a space. This is accomplished regardless of static pressure while providing good air quality.


  • UL 2043 Classified
  • Composed of fire resistant UL 94 ABS plastic
  • Diameters offered: 3”, 4″, 5”, 6”, 8″, 10″
  • Operating Pressure Range: 0.08 to 2.4 in w.g. (20-600Pa)
  • Airflow settings: 15-765 CFM
  • Temperature Limits: -22° to 140°F (-30° to 60°C)
  • Suitable for both supply and exhaust applications
  • No external power supply needed
  • Field Adjustable CFM set point
  • Capable of maintaining constant airflow within +- 5% for nominal airflow throughout the target operating pressure range of 0.08 to 2.4 in.
  • Standard for Energy Efficient Compliance


Visit eflowshop.net for product information and pricing or email [email protected]











Supprier to American Aldes assemblies: ccar-ii, car-iia, ccar-ii-lp, car-ii-hp, car-fea-ii, car-fsa-ii, cer-s-ii, cer-r-ii, cer-lp-sii, cer-lp-r-ii, cer-s-iir, cer-lp-s-iir, cer-fea-ii, cer-fea-iir, cer-lp-fea-ii, cer-lp-fea-iir, csr-s-ii, csr-r-ii, csr-lp-s-ii, csr-lp-r-ii, csr-s-iir, csr-lp-s-iir, csr-fsa-ii, csr-fsa-iir, csr-lp-fsa-ii, csr-lp-fsa-iir, cerb-ws-ii, cerb-wb-ii, cerb-cs-ii, cerb-cfs-ii, cerb-cfb-ii, csrb-ws-ii, csrb-wb-ii, csrb-cs-ii, csrb-cfs-ii, csrb-cfb-ii, Constant Exhaust Registers, Constant Supply Registers, Constant Exhaust Register Box, Constant Supply Register Box, zone register terminals, zrt, zrt-s, zrt-fr, zrt-frs, zrt-w, zrt-ws, zrt-w-fr, zrt-w-frs, zrt-il, zrt-pdil, zrt-pdil-hp, zrt-3pdil, zrt-3pdil-hp, zrt-sdil, zrt-sdil-1-hp

Aldes, American Aldes, car ii, car iia, car ii lp, car ii hp, car fea ii, car fsa ii, cer s ii, cer r ii, cer lp sii, cer lp r ii, cer s iir, cer lp s iir, cer fea ii, cer fea iir, cer lp fea ii, cer lp fea iir, csr s ii, csr r ii, csr lp s ii, csr lp r ii, csr s iir, csr lp s iir, csr fsa ii, csr fsa iir, csr lp fsa ii, csr lp fsa iir, cerb ws ii, cerb wb ii, cerb cs ii, cerb cfs ii, cerb cfb ii, csrb ws ii, csrb wb ii, csrb cs ii, csrb cfs ii, csrb cfb ii, zrt s, zrt fr, zrt frs, zrt w, zrt ws, zrt w fr, zrt w frs, zrt il, zrt pdil, zrt pdil hp, zrt 3pdil, zrt 3pdil hp, zrt sdil, zrt sdil 1 hp

United enertech precision flow system crb-10-s, crb 10 s, crb-10-e, crb 10 e, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, crb-10-s-cd, crb 10 s cd, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, united enertech precision flow model cr, precision flow model cr-lp, precision flow model cr-hp, young regulator cvr constant volume regulator ,model cvrf5, model cvr8, cvp plus enh

eFlow CAR can be used as equivalent to aldes CAR3, CAR3-s, CER3-S, CER3-R, CER3-S-F, CSR3-S, CSR3-R, CSR3-S-F, CEB3-WS, CEB3-WB, CEB3-CS, CEB3-CS-F, CSB3-WS, CSB3-WB, CSB3-CS, CSB3-CS-F

Chestnut Park Apartments, Springfield, MA.

eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators were installed at Chestnut Park Apartments to automatically balance airflow, and promote high indoor air quality and energy savings.  These buildings are part of the Skyview Downtown complex in Springfield, MA. 

MassHousing has provided $50 million for the renovation of Chestnut Park Apartments. This 489-unit affordable housing community was built in the1970s under the HUD 236 financing program. The development includes a 33-story tower with a connected four-level parking garage, an 18-story building, a nine-story building and a five-story building with a connected two-level parking garage. 

About eFlow-CAR

eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR) is a low-cost solution for balancing ventilation systems, eliminating the need for on-site balancing and ongoing maintenance. The Constant Airflow Regulator’s control of airflow is essential to optimize energy consumption while providing good air quality. eFlow-CARs are  UL 2043 Classified (R38307) devices that automatically adjust to environmental changes in stack pressure and accurately regulate airflow. Constant Airflow Regulators are self-regulating and adjustable flow-regulators used in commercial and residential buildings. The desired airflow is fixed by a screwdriver. It is automatically calibrated to varying pressures without the need for electricity. Constant Airflow Regulators save energy by precisely controlling airflow into or out of a space. This is accomplished regardless of static pressure while providing good air quality.


  • UL 2043 Classified
  • Composed of fire resistant UL 94 ABS plastic
  • Diameters offered: 3”, 4″, 5”, 6”, 8″, 10″
  • Operating Pressure Range: 0.08 to 2.4 in w.g. (20-600Pa)
  • Airflow settings: 15-765 CFM
  • Temperature Limits: -22° to 140°F (-30° to 60°C)
  • Suitable for both supply and exhaust applications
  • No external power supply needed
  • Field Adjustable CFM set point
  • Capable of maintaining constant airflow within +- 5% for nominal airflow throughout the target operating pressure range of 0.08 to 2.4 in.
  • Standard for Energy Efficient Compliance


Visit eflowshop.net for product information and pricing or email [email protected]











Supprier to American Aldes assemblies: ccar-ii, car-iia, ccar-ii-lp, car-ii-hp, car-fea-ii, car-fsa-ii, cer-s-ii, cer-r-ii, cer-lp-sii, cer-lp-r-ii, cer-s-iir, cer-lp-s-iir, cer-fea-ii, cer-fea-iir, cer-lp-fea-ii, cer-lp-fea-iir, csr-s-ii, csr-r-ii, csr-lp-s-ii, csr-lp-r-ii, csr-s-iir, csr-lp-s-iir, csr-fsa-ii, csr-fsa-iir, csr-lp-fsa-ii, csr-lp-fsa-iir, cerb-ws-ii, cerb-wb-ii, cerb-cs-ii, cerb-cfs-ii, cerb-cfb-ii, csrb-ws-ii, csrb-wb-ii, csrb-cs-ii, csrb-cfs-ii, csrb-cfb-ii, Constant Exhaust Registers, Constant Supply Registers, Constant Exhaust Register Box, Constant Supply Register Box, zone register terminals, zrt, zrt-s, zrt-fr, zrt-frs, zrt-w, zrt-ws, zrt-w-fr, zrt-w-frs, zrt-il, zrt-pdil, zrt-pdil-hp, zrt-3pdil, zrt-3pdil-hp, zrt-sdil, zrt-sdil-1-hp

Aldes, American Aldes, car ii, car iia, car ii lp, car ii hp, car fea ii, car fsa ii, cer s ii, cer r ii, cer lp sii, cer lp r ii, cer s iir, cer lp s iir, cer fea ii, cer fea iir, cer lp fea ii, cer lp fea iir, csr s ii, csr r ii, csr lp s ii, csr lp r ii, csr s iir, csr lp s iir, csr fsa ii, csr fsa iir, csr lp fsa ii, csr lp fsa iir, cerb ws ii, cerb wb ii, cerb cs ii, cerb cfs ii, cerb cfb ii, csrb ws ii, csrb wb ii, csrb cs ii, csrb cfs ii, csrb cfb ii, zrt s, zrt fr, zrt frs, zrt w, zrt ws, zrt w fr, zrt w frs, zrt il, zrt pdil, zrt pdil hp, zrt 3pdil, zrt 3pdil hp, zrt sdil, zrt sdil 1 hp

United enertech precision flow system crb-10-s, crb 10 s, crb-10-e, crb 10 e, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, crb-10-s-cd, crb 10 s cd, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, united enertech precision flow model cr, precision flow model cr-lp, precision flow model cr-hp, young regulator cvr constant volume regulator ,model cvrf5, model cvr8, cvp plus enhanced constant volume regulator, cvpfd constant volume regulator in a ul rated assembly, cvpf5 enhanced constant volume regulator wall mount box, cvpf2 register box, cvd constant volume damper, cvdr rectangular constant volume damper, cvrf8, cvrf5, cvrf2, greenheck automatic balancing damper, automatic airflow balancing, automatic balancing valve, abd-fd, abd fd, abd raskin abd-fd, abd fd    

What is Toilet Plume and how can eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators keep bathrooms from getting people sick ?

What is Toilet Plume?

Toilet plume occurs when the force of flushing the toilet sprays microscopic particles into the air.

A study conducted by The CDC demonstrated that potentially infectious aerosols may be produced in substantial quantities during flushing. Aerosolization can continue through multiple flushes and may expose subsequent toilet users. Some of the aerosols desiccate to become droplet nuclei and remain adrift in the air currents. Research suggests that toilet plume could play a contributory role in the transmission of infectious diseases.

A study published in The Journal of Applied Microbiology found that microorganisms reached a vertical height of 2.7 feet after a toilet was flushed.

In studies analyzed by the American Journal of Infection Control , E. coli, lingered in the air for up to four to six hours after flushing. Another determined that salmonella, lingered in the toilet bowl for 50 days and got aerosolized with every flush.  Clostridium difficile, hung out in the air above the toilet for up to 90 minutes after flushing.

What is eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR) ?
eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators are UL 2043 Classified (R38307) devices that automatically and accurately regulate airflow. Installing eFlow-CAR is a low-cost solution for balancing ventilation systems and eliminating stack effect. Stack Effect is a phenomenon that commonly occurs in high rise buildings when ventilation systems become out of balance due to fluctuations in environmental conditions. Too much air is drawn from some floors while other floors don’t receive enough ventilation. Stack effect can also cause cross contamination where air is drawn from one floor and forced back into another. Maintaining proper airflow rates in duct risers is the key for proper indoor air quality. Difficulty balancing the system and fluctuations in system pressure due to stack effect make it very problematic to maintain proper flow rates consistently throughout the building. eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators control of the airflow is essential to optimizing good air quality.

One solution, to prevent the spread of toilet plume through high rise buildings, is to instal eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators at every bathroom exhaust.  By balancing any building’s ventilation systems and eliminating stack effect, eFlow-CAR dampers will help reduce the spread of bacteria and contaminants throughout any building. Automatically balanced ventilation systems and proper bathroom exhausts will result in decreased spread of disease causing bacteria and potential reduction of illness in the building’s occupants.


For more information about eFlow-CAR visit eflowshop.net


The Ed Sullivan Theater, New York, NY

The Ed Sullivan Theater is a historic Landmark located at 1697-1699 Broadway in Manhattan, New York.  The theater is a 13-story, brown brick office building with a ground-floor designated to theater.  It was designed by architect Herbert Krapp and built by Arthur Hammerstein.  The theater opened its doors on November 30, 1927. The theater is currently home to CBS’ late night talk show, The Late Show.

In 2015 the landmark theater underwent a $18 million restoration. Despite this massive restoration project, the building’s issue with unbalanced ventilation was not resolved. That is until, eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulator’s (CAR’s) were installed.

Under strict time constraints, due to the fact that the theater is virtually in continuous use, under the guidance of MG Engineering consultants, several contractors were engaged to help fix the building’s unbalanced ventilation.  These ventilation issues had led to odors permeating the building causing discomfort for performers and members of the audience. The unbalanced HVAC system left the lower levels and the basement with no effective ventilation.

All issues with the theater’s ventilation systems were quickly and efficiently solved with the installation of eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators.  eFlow-CARs instantly balanced the ventilation systems without the need for electricity or onsite balancing!

For more information about eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators

visit www.eFlowUSA.net


email [email protected]

eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators for Passive House Institute Certification

The Passive House Institute (PHI) is an independent research institute and is the only internationally recognized performance-based energy standard in construction.

This is what Building Systems Engineer from Steven Winter Associates, Inc had to say about the use of eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators in the ventilation systems for Passive House Institute Certification.



Follow the link to view complete presentation https://vimeo.com/371959970

Visit https://y30.41f.myftpupload.com/product/constant-air-flow-regulators-3/ for Constant Airflow Regulator product information.

200 Central Park South, New York, NY 

HVAC system upgrades completed at 200 Central Park South, NYC were designed by  En-Power Group and included installation of  eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators to promote High Indoor Air Quality and Energy Savings .

eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators automatically balance airflow without the need for onsite balancing or the need for electricity. It mitigates stack effect caused by pressure variances in high-rise buildings and promotes energy savings, High Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and improves overall occupant comfort.

The building was built in 1963. It has 35 stories and 309 apartments . It is owned by Park South Tenants Co. and Managed by Greenthal Management.

This 35-story tower is one of the most distinctive in NYC with its broadly curved corner and continuous bands of balconies in its 21-story base.

Built by Bernard Spitzer and Melvin D. Lipman, and designed by Wechsler & Schimenti, this tower commands spectacular views of Central Park.

This white-glove building’s amenities and services include 24-hour doorman/concierge, manned elevators, fitness center, bike room, on-site garage, circular driveway, valet service, central laundry, and roof observatory with views of Central Park and the city skyline.

For more information about eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulator please contact [email protected]








Supprier to American Aldes assemblies: ccar-ii, car-iia, ccar-ii-lp, car-ii-hp, car-fea-ii, car-fsa-ii, cer-s-ii, cer-r-ii, cer-lp-sii, cer-lp-r-ii, cer-s-iir, cer-lp-s-iir, cer-fea-ii, cer-fea-iir, cer-lp-fea-ii, cer-lp-fea-iir, csr-s-ii, csr-r-ii, csr-lp-s-ii, csr-lp-r-ii, csr-s-iir, csr-lp-s-iir, csr-fsa-ii, csr-fsa-iir, csr-lp-fsa-ii, csr-lp-fsa-iir, cerb-ws-ii, cerb-wb-ii, cerb-cs-ii, cerb-cfs-ii, cerb-cfb-ii, csrb-ws-ii, csrb-wb-ii, csrb-cs-ii, csrb-cfs-ii, csrb-cfb-ii, Constant Exhaust Registers, Constant Supply Registers, Constant Exhaust Register Box, Constant Supply Register Box, zone register terminals, zrt, zrt-s, zrt-fr, zrt-frs, zrt-w, zrt-ws, zrt-w-fr, zrt-w-frs, zrt-il, zrt-pdil, zrt-pdil-hp, zrt-3pdil, zrt-3pdil-hp, zrt-sdil, zrt-sdil-1-hp

Aldes, American Aldes, car ii, car iia, car ii lp, car ii hp, car fea ii, car fsa ii, cer s ii, cer r ii, cer lp sii, cer lp r ii, cer s iir, cer lp s iir, cer fea ii, cer fea iir, cer lp fea ii, cer lp fea iir, csr s ii, csr r ii, csr lp s ii, csr lp r ii, csr s iir, csr lp s iir, csr fsa ii, csr fsa iir, csr lp fsa ii, csr lp fsa iir, cerb ws ii, cerb wb ii, cerb cs ii, cerb cfs ii, cerb cfb ii, csrb ws ii, csrb wb ii, csrb cs ii, csrb cfs ii, csrb cfb ii, zrt s, zrt fr, zrt frs, zrt w, zrt ws, zrt w fr, zrt w frs, zrt il, zrt pdil, zrt pdil hp, zrt 3pdil, zrt 3pdil hp, zrt sdil, zrt sdil 1 hp

United enertech precision flow system crb-10-s, crb 10 s, crb-10-e, crb 10 e, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, crb-10-s-cd, crb 10 s cd, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, united enertech precision flow model cr, precision flow model cr-lp, precision flow model cr-hp, young regulator cvr constant volume regulator ,model cvrf5, model cvr8, cvp plus enhanced constant volume regulator, cvpfd constant volume regulator in a ul rated assembly, cvpf5 enhanced constant volume regulator wall mount box, cvpf2 register box, cvd constant volume damper, cvdr rectangular constant volume damper, cvrf8, cvrf5, cvrf2, greenheck automatic balancing damper, automatic airflow balancing, automatic balancing valve, abd-fd, abd fd, abd raskin abd-fd, abd fd






The City Center complex, Lexington, KY 

The City Center complex in the heart of Lexington, KY is set to open December, 2019 . This $220 million-dollar mixed-use development includes a 230-room Marriott Hotel and a 120-room Residence Inn by Marriott. Both hotels are built by Bristol Group and feature all the latest technology including eFlow- Constant Airflow Regulators. 

eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators provide automatic balanced and healthy ventilation that delivers both energy savings and labor savings. eFlow-CARs reduce energy usage by automatically regulating airflow in HVAC systems to constant rates.

For more information contact [email protected]






Supprier to American Aldes assemblies: ccar-ii, car-iia, ccar-ii-lp, car-ii-hp, car-fea-ii, car-fsa-ii, cer-s-ii, cer-r-ii, cer-lp-sii, cer-lp-r-ii, cer-s-iir, cer-lp-s-iir, cer-fea-ii, cer-fea-iir, cer-lp-fea-ii, cer-lp-fea-iir, csr-s-ii, csr-r-ii, csr-lp-s-ii, csr-lp-r-ii, csr-s-iir, csr-lp-s-iir, csr-fsa-ii, csr-fsa-iir, csr-lp-fsa-ii, csr-lp-fsa-iir, cerb-ws-ii, cerb-wb-ii, cerb-cs-ii, cerb-cfs-ii, cerb-cfb-ii, csrb-ws-ii, csrb-wb-ii, csrb-cs-ii, csrb-cfs-ii, csrb-cfb-ii, Constant Exhaust Registers, Constant Supply Registers, Constant Exhaust Register Box, Constant Supply Register Box, zone register terminals, zrt, zrt-s, zrt-fr, zrt-frs, zrt-w, zrt-ws, zrt-w-fr, zrt-w-frs, zrt-il, zrt-pdil, zrt-pdil-hp, zrt-3pdil, zrt-3pdil-hp, zrt-sdil, zrt-sdil-1-hp

Aldes, American Aldes, car ii, car iia, car ii lp, car ii hp, car fea ii, car fsa ii, cer s ii, cer r ii, cer lp sii, cer lp r ii, cer s iir, cer lp s iir, cer fea ii, cer fea iir, cer lp fea ii, cer lp fea iir, csr s ii, csr r ii, csr lp s ii, csr lp r ii, csr s iir, csr lp s iir, csr fsa ii, csr fsa iir, csr lp fsa ii, csr lp fsa iir, cerb ws ii, cerb wb ii, cerb cs ii, cerb cfs ii, cerb cfb ii, csrb ws ii, csrb wb ii, csrb cs ii, csrb cfs ii, csrb cfb ii, zrt s, zrt fr, zrt frs, zrt w, zrt ws, zrt w fr, zrt w frs, zrt il, zrt pdil, zrt pdil hp, zrt 3pdil, zrt 3pdil hp, zrt sdil, zrt sdil 1 hp

United enertech precision flow system crb-10-s, crb 10 s, crb-10-e, crb 10 e, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, crb-10-s-cd, crb 10 s cd, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, united enertech precision flow model cr, precision flow model cr-lp, precision flow model cr-hp, young regulator cvr constant volume regulator ,model cvrf5, model cvr8, cvp plus enhanced constant volume regulator, cvpfd constant volume regulator in a ul rated assembly, cvpf5 enhanced constant volume regulator wall mount box, cvpf2 register box, cvd constant volume damper, cvdr rectangular constant volume damper, cvrf8, cvrf5, cvrf2, greenheck automatic balancing damper, automatic airflow balancing, automatic balancing valve, abd-fd, abd fd, abd raskin abd-fd, abd fd    

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