William Plaza, Brooklyn, NY

As part of NYCHA Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) and a $90 million improvement plan, eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators  were installed at William Plaza affordable housing buildings in Brooklyn, NY.

eFlow-CAR 3” at 25 CFM were installed in every apartment exhaust to automatically balance airflow, improve indoor air quality, and promote energy savings.

In 2018, The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) announced the Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) program to secure massive repairs and stable funding for the  long-neglected public housing development at Williams Plaza buildings in Brooklyn, NY. Through the program, more than 1,000 residents, in 577 apartments, will be the beneficiaries of infrastructure improvements.

Built by New York State in the 1960s, Williams Plaza were run by the State for nearly four decades before being transferred to NYCHA in 1998.

About the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA)
NYCHA’s mission is to increase opportunities for low- and moderate-income New Yorkers by providing safe, affordable housing and facilitating access to social and community services. Almost 400,000 New Yorkers reside in NYCHA’s 325 public housing developments around the five boroughs, and another 235,000 receive subsidized rental assistance in private homes through the NYCHA-administered Section 8 Leased Housing Program. For more information, visit www.nyc.gov/nycha


About eFlow-CAR

eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR) is a low-cost solution for balancing ventilation systems, eliminating the need for on-site balancing and ongoing maintenance. The Constant Airflow Regulator’s control of airflow is essential to optimize energy consumption while providing good air quality. eFlow-CARs are  UL 2043 Classified (R38307) devices that automatically adjust to environmental changes in stack pressure and accurately regulate airflow. Constant Airflow Regulators are self-regulating and adjustable flow-regulators used in commercial and residential buildings. The desired airflow is fixed by a screwdriver. It is automatically calibrated to varying pressures without the need for electricity. Constant Airflow Regulators save energy by precisely controlling airflow into or out of a space. This is accomplished regardless of static pressure while providing good air quality.


  • UL 2043 Classified
  • Composed of fire resistant UL 94 ABS plastic
  • Diameters offered: 3”, 4″, 5”, 6”, 8″, 10″
  • Operating Pressure Range: 0.08 to 2.4 in w.g. (20-600Pa)
  • Airflow settings: 15-765 CFM
  • Temperature Limits: -22° to 140°F (-30° to 60°C)
  • Suitable for both supply and exhaust applications
  • No external power supply needed
  • Field Adjustable CFM set point
  • Capable of maintaining constant airflow within +- 5% for nominal airflow throughout the target operating pressure range of 0.08 to 2.4 in.
  • Standard for Energy Efficient Compliance


Visit eflowshop.net for product information and pricing or email [email protected]














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Aldes, American Aldes, car ii, car iia, car ii lp, car ii hp, car fea ii, car fsa ii, cer s ii, cer r ii, cer lp sii, cer lp r ii, cer s iir, cer lp s iir, cer fea ii, cer fea iir, cer lp fea ii, cer lp fea iir, csr s ii, csr r ii, csr lp s ii, csr lp r ii, csr s iir, csr lp s iir, csr fsa ii, csr fsa iir, csr lp fsa ii, csr lp fsa iir, cerb ws ii, cerb wb ii, cerb cs ii, cerb cfs ii, cerb cfb ii, csrb ws ii, csrb wb ii, csrb cs ii, csrb cfs ii, csrb cfb ii, zrt s, zrt fr, zrt frs, zrt w, zrt ws, zrt w fr, zrt w frs, zrt il, zrt pdil, zrt pdil hp, zrt 3pdil, zrt 3pdil hp, zrt sdil, zrt sdil 1 hp

United enertech precision flow system crb-10-s, crb 10 s, crb-10-e, crb 10 e, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, crb-10-s-cd, crb 10 s cd, crb-10-e-cd, crb 10 e cd, united enertech precision flow model cr, precision flow model cr-lp, precision flow model cr-hp, young regulator cvr constant volume regulator ,model cvrf5, model cvr8, cvp plus enh

eFlow CAR can be used as equivalent to aldes CAR3, CAR3-s, CER3-S, CER3-R, CER3-S-F, CSR3-S, CSR3-R, CSR3-S-F, CEB3-WS, CEB3-WB, CEB3-CS, CEB3-CS-F, CSB3-WS, CSB3-WB, CSB3-CS, CSB3-CS-F




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